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WarHammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

by Blind Sally

Part 29: Day 23, The Deimos Peninsula, Attack (Part 1)

Pops posted:

I remember halcyon days when Blind Sally was playing Dark Crusade.

Huh, what was that? I wasn't paying attention.
Your forces march on the Deimos Peninsula, O'Kais! They look towards you for leadership!
Oh, right! We were going to stomp out Chaos once and for all! Almost forgot.

With the thirty-seven keys of Tzeentch, we open the way for our brothers.

With the thousand whispers of Slaanesh, we call to them.

With the twelve plagues of Nurgle, we fell their enemies.

And with the mighty axe of Khorne, we cut open the world for them!

Yes, come forth to bear the Word of Chaos!

Hear my warnings, unbelievers, carried to your minds by the power of the Prince of Excess himself:

We have raised altars in this land so that we may sacrifice you to our gods.

Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war wait to grind you beneath the treads of their mighty boots.

The chosen of Khorne hunger to add you to their bloody tally.

The Blood God himself has marked this land and will claim your skulls for his throne.

There is no hope in opposing the inevitable.

Put down your arms, unbelievers, and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided.

Alright, fan out. Capture strategic points and get a base set up. This place is strange. I don't want to stay longer than necessary.

Here they come, Shas'o, filthy Gue'la and their monstrous alien allies!

Cut them down!
Alien, you come here to your doom.
I've got a buzzing in my comms. Switching channels.

Ha, their numbers are misleading. These Gue'la are more pathetic than those we Imperial Guard we ran into.

Shas'o, our scouts have reported: your target is directly north of your position. The Chaos forces appear to have some sort of teleportation device that they're using to bring in additional reinforcements.
These Gue'la have some fascinating technology, though based on the decor, you'd think they powered their machinery with skulls and blood. (Seems like an inefficient power source).


Already? Hmm, they're mobilizing quickly.

Uh, we're killing them in droves, Shas'o, but they just keep coming!

Kill or be killed. It is all a service to Chaos.
Earth Caste drones, clear up this audio. I'm getting more interference.

We've captured a point at the eastern front, O'Kais. They have some sort of defensive weapon set up.
Is it dangerous?
Well, it looks like a half-built nuclear cooling tower.
Uh, okay. So what does it do?
It looks like it emits a short-range pulse that liquefies every living being within the radius. Doesn't harm our machinery, though.
That sounds gruesome. I'll get some Drone Squads up and running.
You can, but it's on a timer. Only goes off once every minute. We can just time it to move our forces through safely--or heck, pack'em in a Devilfish Transport. Our readings show that our tank plating can withstand the energy effect.
Wow, really? Okay, I take it back, these Gue'la have some pretty lame and uninspired tech. How useless.

The legions of Chaos are without end, intruder. You cannot prevail here.
Earth Caste Drones, this is O'Kais, fix our comm-lines! This interference is unacceptable.

None can stand against the coming darkness!

Bad news, O'Kais!
What, another phone call?
No, Shas'o, but the Gue'la seem to have harnessed technology that allows them to transform into powerful giants!
By the Ethereals, will we be able to withstand such power?
Well, according to our intel, only one of them can do it at a time.
Pffff-hahaha, what?! Really? Okay, I take it all back. The clowns in charge of the Chaos R&D department must be idiots. What kind of technology are these buffoons fielding?
I overheard some of the cultists talking about the "powers of the Warp".
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Next thing you'll tell me is that they power their machines with magic and blood sacrifice.
Well, uh--

Shas'o, your forces have secured a foothold on the peninsula with minimal casualties. The Kauyon Outpost is up and running.
Excellent, let's plan our next move. War Council?

Traversing the peninsula will be a slog, considering how wracked with volcanic crevices it is. Heading either north-west or north-east will bring us into conflict with Chaos Forward Bases--there are two in either direction, for a total of four Forward Bases. Now, I've marked the westernmost base with a yellow circle on the map. We sent scouts to that location and never heard back from them. They are, in all likelihood, prisoners of war. If we save them, we'll have more Honour Guard reinforcements.
Reinforcements are good. We'd also be able to field Gregory with that relic they have there. What about that orange circle?
That's the power source for the defensive towers spread around the map. Capture it and we'll no longer have to worry about those timed pulses melting our ground troops.
Again, what a baffling defensive measure.
Of course, we could ignore both those objectives and head straight for the teleportation gate. We take it out, we cut off the Chaos reinforcements and win the battle.
As always, the War Council will make the decision.